Shahrazad Perceived the Dawn: A Tale of Grain


NaNoWriMo 2003 Winner

This was my successful attempt at National Novel Writing Month, a challenge to write a complete 50,000-word novel within the month of November. I finished at dawn (fittingly enough) on the 18th of the month, thanks to copious amounts of free time brought on by Ramadan. It may not be wonderful prose, but it's mine dammit. If you actually read it, I hope you enjoy it.

It's a little tale set in Kuwait, conceived under the influence of Aristophanes, Sir Richard F. Burton, and Mr. Ian Woon. There are no squirrels involved in any way.

'Plain vanilla' E-text in the spirit of Project Gutenberg (no italics).

Better-formatted. Good if you just want to take a quick look.

In lovely Garamond. Suitable for printing, if you don't mind deforesting another acre of Indonesia.

Pollen in Arabia and the author's other random trash is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.