Pollen in Arabia


Salam Alaikum
This comic is a document of my ongoing experiences and explorations in the Arabian Peninsula, and especially Kuwait, during the fall of 2003. Although it is intended to be as factual as possible, I am not an expert on these matters and I was only here a month before I started, so don't take everything I say as gospel. I'm still learning a lot about the place every day; this can only claim to be "Arabia as I see it" and not "Arabia as it is". Messing up the details is the time-honored prerogative of the travelogue writer.

The Comic
Updates will be daily, but with about a week's lead time. So if the day's comic doesn't quite synch up with what's on CNN, this may be one reason why. There WILL be a new comic every single day, though, because I'm doing this for college credit and thus I'm devoting a lot of time to it. How does one get away with drawing a webcomic in the Middle East for college credit, I hear you ask? It's called Friends World Program, and it's very cool. Much thanks to them.

The Cast
I draw animals because I like to and because I'm even worse at drawing people. With the exception of some historical figures, I represent characters as animals that are either common in the part of the world they come from, or threatened species native to it. See how many of them you can identify. I do not mean to demean or insult with my choice of animal; I hope it just conveys the idea that we are from where we are from, and there's nothing any of us can do about it. Pollen himself, by the way, is a sciurus niger, or fox squirrel, native to the Central and Eastern United States.

Technical Details
This comic is in the public domain, meaning it belongs to you - yes, YOU - and you can do absolutely anything you want with any part of it. Please use it for good, not evil. It is created using open source software (The GIMP) and file format (.PNG), and printed on recycled pixels.

Is much appreciated. Please make use of the Comment Box on the main page and let me know what you think. Go on, I can take it.

Public Domain Dedication
This work is dedicated to the Public Domain.

Pollen in Arabia is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.